Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chapter 2 Notes


I could connect this picture to the beds that George and Lennie have to sleep in because of the reaction that George had to Candy when he showed them their beds. When George saw the beds he acted as if the beds were made of trash but in reality they weren't that bad. He was very dismayed when he found a jar of lice powder on his bed but Candy assured that it wouldn't be any danger. Then Candy started going on about how the person who used to sleep their was a very clean guy.


George and Lennie make their way to a ranch to find a job. When they get there a guy named Candy shows them their beds. At first George had a problem with his bed and he started complaining to candy about the condition of the beds. After that both Lennie and George meet with the boss of the ranch. The boss is a little suspicious because George didn't let Lennie talk at all. Then he yelled at Lennie for no reason telling him that because he didn't talk they could've lost the job: When George is the one who told Lennie not to. Later on George and Lennie are assigned to one of the grain teams under a guy named Slim.




I predict hat later in the story Lennie is going to do something that will get both George and him fired. Also, that the problem with Curly will have to be involved with them getting kicked out since Curly doesn't like large guys. I also predict that when Candy said that the boss was a nice guy that he was lying  and that the boss is actually a really nasty person. At the end of the book, I believe that George will finally have enough of Lennie and will abandon him.



Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chapter 1 Notes


I could connect this novella to the cartoon pinky and the brain.  
You could relate the story to them because pinky is taller but
not as smart just as Lennie is in the story. The Brain is smaller
yet is a lot smarter than Pinky just as George is with Lennie.
Without them two together they wouldn't be able to function.  


I believe that Lennie and George will find a job farther down the road. They will get in trouble there and have to run away again. Lennie and George will reach California and they will fulfill their dream of having a farm with all of the animals that they wish for. Both of them will finally be happy and will get to rest.


In the first chapter of the novella Lennie and George are kicked out of town
because Lennie is accused of sexually assaulting a little girl. So they make their
way to California to look for work. They ask a bus driver how much farther
they have to walk and he tells them that California is just right
ahead; but it really is 5 miles ahead. They stop for the night near a creak and 
George finds a mouse in Lennie's pocket; he throws it into the woods.
So, Lennie and George stay for the night at the creak eating cans of beans.