Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Novel Reaction: Thinking Foward

The topic in this book that I have found most interesting is the theme of racism. I have always found the topic of racism to be very interesting and I've always wondered the actions that provoked whites and blacks to hate each other. How Crooks is treated like trash and he is just is supposed to take it really gets me thinking. It makes me think how twisted the world was back in the 1900's and how hard it was on the black people.

I would say that the topic of racism would connect to me the most from the novella. Being that I play sports and I'm Asian, people would rather want the more athletic black player then they would choose an Asian. When I was younger I used to be discriminated from playing sports in my summer camp. No one would let me enjoy myself in any physical activity. Now that I'm older I do play on several basketball teams but I still have a chip on my shoulder.


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