Monday, March 18, 2013

Theme Anaylasis

 An example from chapter 6 of discrimination was on page 101 was when Lennie had pictured his Aunt Clara saying " All the time he coulda had such a good time if it wasn't for you. He woulda took his pay an' raised hell in a whore house, and he coulda set in a poolroom an' played snooker. But he got to take care of you." This quote that Lennie had imagined his Aunt Clara saying shows that in his mind, he believes that George has done everything good for him when George really treated him like trash sometimes.

The quote above shows how Lennie has the idea put in his head that George has treated him the best that he could but in reality he really treats Lennie like trash sometimes. This could be brought back to the idea of discrimination; and how Lennie is excluded from all activities that the other guys do because of his mental issues. Then Georges offensive attitude against Lennie gives him the idea that George deserves better when really he could've took better care of him as well as treating him in a better way. After all of the criticism that Lennie got from George it lead to this thought in his mind. If George had treated Lennie as a normal person maybe the outcome of the novel would've been different. That is how the quote above has a direct connection to the theme of discrimination.

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